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Gender: female
Age: 7 moons 




feather was found washed up on the shore of the gorge in late green leaf. no one knows where she came from not even her. she has been more or less adopted by mothsrun at this point and follows him around like a lost puppy.



timid at first but quickly warms up to you and is a very bouncy, excited kit.

despite her amnesia, she is very avid about doing things for the tribe. she hates being stuck in camp to no end, she hates not being allowed to fallow cats around all day. she does like to watch training sessions, though mentors often have to keep an eye on her to make sure she stays out of the way. some of her favorite things are bugs, mice and listening to the elder's stories. she especially loves to chase down, catch and eat any unlucky bugs that happen into camp. mosquitos and beetles are ehr favorite bugs to eat. 

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